Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Supreme Court Reflection

 The Supreme Court of The United States

Not long ago, in not such a far place away, I went to high school and took a civics class. We learned about the supreme court and the constitution, about its foundations and what holds the ones in power together. I took a look at this reading from the history channels website, and some things stuck out at me that I wasn't acknowledged of until now. As I am sure it probably was discussed in my high school years, I guess I didn't know the exact date the supreme court was established, in which was 1789 by the Article three of the U.S. constitution. Which was overlooked by George Washington. I also didn't know the supreme court justices could serve as long as retirement and even as long until their departure from the world. The supreme court had their first meeting in February of 1790, however, did not actually get their first case until August of 1791. Over a year of establishment and they didn't get into their specific duties until later, that was surprising for me. Also, it occurred to me that the chief justice has a good amount of power, highest one on the supreme court and also has the power to take away power or impeach the president. That holds some serious power in one's hands, of which I didn't know they had so much of. As if I didn't gain more knowledge, to my surprise there has only been 115 justices as of January 2021. For some reason I would have thought there would be more, but with the power and importance of their job, it makes sense for their long terms, or services.

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