Sunday, May 8, 2022

Technology I learned About from EOTO 1

Eoto 1: An invention I learned about:


I liked that my technology I picked was the iPhone and someone did the iPad. The iPhone, to recap, was made on January 9th, of 2007, and ever since then, the way our technology worked would forever change. Everything was based off Apples iPhone, the revolutionary new idea of a touch screen iPhone, which worked like a computer, but ten times smaller. You had the internet, a notepad, texting, camera, games, navigation, calendar, and etc., all one the iPhone. Over time Apple wanted to update/ upgrade their idea, to something a bit bigger, so some people do not have to look at a tiny screen, does everything the iPhone does, but is not as small, introducing the iPad. April 3rd, 2010, the first iPad was launched. Creating a line of other companies to follow, creating the touch screen tablets other companies would hope to duplicate with the success of Apple’s success.

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