Sunday, March 27, 2022

Speech Theories


  In class recently we learned about the Eight Values of Free Expression. Dr. Smith had the book definition written down on his blog for us to follow and help us define them, however, when I was listening to him talk, he described them differently than exactly word for word like the book may state. Dr. Smith really put emphasis on these expressions and helped explain them so that students, like me, could understand them better. Being a student who learns better with a hands-on-approach, and with visuals instead of just speaking to me or just having something to read, Dr. Smith broke down the expressions to its simplest terms. Going through all eight values, Dr. Smith told us to think of an expression that stuck out to us the most. After going through all of them, we discussed in class with others. From what I gathered, many people think that free speech (first amendment) is one of the most important ones, in which, yes, I agree, however; choosing one of the eight values of free expression to really grasp and stick out to me was the second one; Participation in Self-Government.

    Not only did I think this one stuck out to me the most, but I thought it was one of the most important ones. From what Dr. Smith defined it as in class as he spoke; “If we don’t have the first amendment, how do we speak up and tell the government things?!” After he stated that, I stopped and starred that definition in my notes. There is a major point in what is said, and it comes all back around to the first amendment of free speech. I think to keep the government not only in a state of checks and balance but keeping the government in check of their own surroundings and how they should be supporting the people is majorly important. To get me thinking about it more, I searched up topics of the constitution and self-government, even federalism (Video That Helped Me Gather some thoughts). As such, we can look at the courts and the government as a simple hierarchy of power, or we can look at it as a system of power that needs people to keep it in line, and the people need them as well to keep them in line, A mutual understanding and trust of power that's been established for hundreds of years. Getting to the point, people need the first amendment to tell the government what is working and what is not, since the government was establishing to and for the people. To understand it more, once again, I looked for another source, this time my dad. He said that Participation in self-government is an especially important thing we as a community and people must value. He says that “without people’s opinions, how would we ever feel somewhat together as one, as a nation.” Even though the government has power and holds these laws, we should be “United together.”

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