Sunday, March 27, 2022

Speech Theories


  In class recently we learned about the Eight Values of Free Expression. Dr. Smith had the book definition written down on his blog for us to follow and help us define them, however, when I was listening to him talk, he described them differently than exactly word for word like the book may state. Dr. Smith really put emphasis on these expressions and helped explain them so that students, like me, could understand them better. Being a student who learns better with a hands-on-approach, and with visuals instead of just speaking to me or just having something to read, Dr. Smith broke down the expressions to its simplest terms. Going through all eight values, Dr. Smith told us to think of an expression that stuck out to us the most. After going through all of them, we discussed in class with others. From what I gathered, many people think that free speech (first amendment) is one of the most important ones, in which, yes, I agree, however; choosing one of the eight values of free expression to really grasp and stick out to me was the second one; Participation in Self-Government.

    Not only did I think this one stuck out to me the most, but I thought it was one of the most important ones. From what Dr. Smith defined it as in class as he spoke; “If we don’t have the first amendment, how do we speak up and tell the government things?!” After he stated that, I stopped and starred that definition in my notes. There is a major point in what is said, and it comes all back around to the first amendment of free speech. I think to keep the government not only in a state of checks and balance but keeping the government in check of their own surroundings and how they should be supporting the people is majorly important. To get me thinking about it more, I searched up topics of the constitution and self-government, even federalism (Video That Helped Me Gather some thoughts). As such, we can look at the courts and the government as a simple hierarchy of power, or we can look at it as a system of power that needs people to keep it in line, and the people need them as well to keep them in line, A mutual understanding and trust of power that's been established for hundreds of years. Getting to the point, people need the first amendment to tell the government what is working and what is not, since the government was establishing to and for the people. To understand it more, once again, I looked for another source, this time my dad. He said that Participation in self-government is an especially important thing we as a community and people must value. He says that “without people’s opinions, how would we ever feel somewhat together as one, as a nation.” Even though the government has power and holds these laws, we should be “United together.”

The Supreme Court Reflection

 The Supreme Court of The United States

Not long ago, in not such a far place away, I went to high school and took a civics class. We learned about the supreme court and the constitution, about its foundations and what holds the ones in power together. I took a look at this reading from the history channels website, and some things stuck out at me that I wasn't acknowledged of until now. As I am sure it probably was discussed in my high school years, I guess I didn't know the exact date the supreme court was established, in which was 1789 by the Article three of the U.S. constitution. Which was overlooked by George Washington. I also didn't know the supreme court justices could serve as long as retirement and even as long until their departure from the world. The supreme court had their first meeting in February of 1790, however, did not actually get their first case until August of 1791. Over a year of establishment and they didn't get into their specific duties until later, that was surprising for me. Also, it occurred to me that the chief justice has a good amount of power, highest one on the supreme court and also has the power to take away power or impeach the president. That holds some serious power in one's hands, of which I didn't know they had so much of. As if I didn't gain more knowledge, to my surprise there has only been 115 justices as of January 2021. For some reason I would have thought there would be more, but with the power and importance of their job, it makes sense for their long terms, or services.

My Five Top Sources of News and Info

 Source #1


Like most kids growing up, kids would learn things from their parents, like such news and info. Personally, growing up I would be like "Oh cool look news", as I would understand the topics and info being pushed out, the news never, and still, is not something I will deeply look into just out of boredom. Learning about things sometimes comes from my parents now, as I honestly don't go out of my way to watch politics and people rant to each other about their opinions. It also has become hard for me to trust what people say, there is always a different story.

Source #2

Social Media

A lot of what people are consuming comes from their phones and social media. The news used to go around by newspapers and broadcasts, but now people can pull out their phones and post something like a "snap". News and information are right at the tip of our fingertips. With this much knowledge and information, there comes a point when I question if it is all correct. Although, I might see it around on social media, I must admit my first thoughts are "where are they getting this side of the story from?". My first instinct isn't to jump right into the story I've seen or been shown, I have a "responsibility" to myself to either take what they say on social media true or false, and I must be responsible and smart enough to not allow fake news to weave into the stories I've been told if I choose to go towards the social media route for news and info.

 Source #3

The Local News

When I happen to tune into some form of news on the television, it is most defiantly not CNN or any of the major broadcasting new stations, as I find they start to argue with one another, which then I change the channel. I would rather tune into local news stations before I watch the big news channels, I find them arguing as a form of opinions and if they are fighting over what is supposed to be called "facts", then it must not be a 100% straight story and has a curve on it. 

Source #4

Own Research

As ridiculous as it sounds, sometimes i would have to do my own research, from multiple sources and see the middle ground. YouTube can be a good place to start, though, watch out for opinions. However, if I am looking for a story from a clear and trusted source, then wherever that incident (or whatever story I am looking up) occurred, it might be key on trying to find a local news channel around the event. Sometimes translation gets mixed matched in transmission, it's like telephone, the story changes a bit from the original source.

Source #5


Another way I might get information about what's going on is my friends. My friends are people I trust and know them enough to see who and why they would listen to a certain source, so sometimes when learning about things going on, i go towards my friends in seeing what they have to say. Now, again, I don't normally go out of my way to watch the news, as sometimes its negative, my friends may keep me updated in what might be going on if the conversation topic is brought up. 



Blog Post #11- Age of A.I.

 Blog Post #11- Age of A.I We all want the best for human evolution, however, when people mention AI, or Artificial Intelligence, people u...