Sunday, May 8, 2022

Blog Post #11- Age of A.I.

 Blog Post #11- Age of A.I

We all want the best for human evolution, however, when people mention AI, or Artificial Intelligence, people usually start to split up on differences on their opinions whether they are for, or against it. From a few blog posts ago, I mentioned my paranoia with technology, and how I have seen many movies, and how I have seen enough movies to push me more towards the side of “iffy” to the idea of AI controlling the world. Terminator was a big factor in what could go wrong if AI outsmarts humans, if they can learn what humans know within seconds, like a computer teaching itself, we are done-zo. People think it will make the world a better place and an easier place to live, though it might take peoples jobs, and control things on which we did not agree. We are getting in uncharted territory when we mess with the idea that AI can replace some people’s jobs and becomes a personal assistant. Now there are movies like Iron Man, Jarvis, Tony Starks virtual assistant, is good, but even then, in Avengers Age of Ultron, Ultron destroys Jarvis, A virus attacks and they try to take over the work. Its very scary when something that can become more powerful than you are created.

Blog #10- EOTO 2 - What I Learned- Deep Fakes

 Blog Post #10- Another Interesting EOTO I Learned About

(The Video is a deep fake of Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. in Back to the Future, original actors are Michael J. Fox, and Christopher Llyod)

I found Deep Fakes interesting, though, very scary, and not okay, they can be interesting to look into. A deep fake is when someone puts another face on another person, faking to be another person. This is a very scary topic, as people have created deep fakes of the president saying things they should not, and of course, what if people think it's real and relations with other countries think this is real, terrible things can happen. Technology can scan people’s faces and movements and can trace another person’s face and “attach” it to make it look like that person. Celebrities are targeted in particular because deep fakes can be very realistic when you have media going around of you, like movies, the computer can learn and trace each movement and can link up the movements with the person they are attaching the fake face to. This whole thing can be a very terrifying thing.

Blog Post #9- Diffusion Theory with The Xbox

 Blog Post #9- Diffusion Theory


Avengers Game

“Diffusion is a large component of social network theory. According to Everett Rogers, a communication scholar, it is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels, over time among the members of a social system. Innovation has been the center of diffusion studies for many years.” ( Diffusion: Social Network Theory - 764 Words | Internet Public Library ( ) I have decided to look into the spread of entertainment systems, such as the Xbox. I am looking into the spread of how it became such a big form of entertainment and how so many got involved with it. Microsoft created the original Xbox and released it on November 15, 2001. It was the first console to have a built-in hard disk drive, and in 2002, online play was available. The spread of this technology was to connect people and friends, so they could play together. Over time technology obviously advanced and Microsoft released the Xbox 360, allowing people to chat and connect with people from everywhere as well. With this, people could chat to people, much like the phone, but by playing video games. Looking through the diffusion theory with the Xbox, we can see that over time the spread of video games and the “desire” to connect and play with friends has increased. Especially when people re far away from one another, it gives people a chance to almost interact with one another “virtually.”

EOTO #2- Transhumanism

 EOTO 2- Blog Post #7 – Transhumanism


Professor split us up into our same groups as EOTO 1, we got a good number of cool options for our group. I got to pick Transhumanism, I for one had no idea what that was, it sounded cool, also the others got picked and I was left with two options left, and this when on top of the other choice for me. My classmate explained how it was like Bruce Banner and the Hulk, I was like “wow they are speaking my language!” I looked into since we were obviously going to be presenting it, and it was a tad bit different than that, but it was very interesting. It is the thought that we, as human beings, are not stuck in our physical forms, and die when our bodies get older, but we can mentally shift our minds to another form, such as a chip for our minds and we live for a long time. As for now, all I know is that this is all theory, but people believe it can happen, we are not stuck as our physical form, we can live beyond that. Some think that technology can help make us make that jump. However, it is all theory, extremely hard to wrap your head around that idea that we can one day become digitalized and transferred. It is hard to imagine the fact that our natural bodies can be converted to some form of technology, I have no idea how that may happen, but the thought is there.

 Many movies have been made based off that idea, Transcendence, starring Johnny Depp, The Matrix (Keanu Reeves), many others like the terminator, Ghost in A Shell, Lucy, Ex-machina, Avatar. All those movies have the idea that we are not limited to our physically bodies, technology can “help” advance us in a way. I would not be surprised if there have been tests done on that, but hopefully not yet, not sure if we have technology that can live within our natural bodies. Many other inventions must be made before we make that jump to human trials, in fact, I WOULD NOT go test it on humans until many other inventions and experiments are made. This could be a huge jump in human evolution, I thought am personally fine being the way I am. I think I have seen too many movies when technology goes bad. I could not imagine if humans become half technology and half man made. That would be a walking nightmare to see technology controlling people. Sends severs down my spine. Maybe someday something like that will arrive and be made, but for now, I say let's try our best with the amount of time we have as regular human beings; if we could live forever, then comes the ethical question of what we would do with our lives if we knew we weren’t limited to our “human” lifetime. Scary to think about, hopefully we all reason to live our best lives with the time we have.

Blog Post #7- Privacy

 Blog Post 7- Privacy


I personally have a tough time trusting the internet. I am a very paranoid person when it comes down to privacy and what the internet/technology can do. I think with seeing many movies like iRobot, or something like Avengers Age of Ultron, I am rightfully so nervous about the whereabouts of technology. I remember I just got my new MacBook air pro laptop one year for Christmas, and Star Wars The Force Awakens just came out, and I loved it so much, and as I was younger, I couldn’t easily accumulate money at a regular pace, so I tried finding the movie online, and one of the websites legit spammed alert and “spazzed” out my brand new laptop. I recovered it, but ever since then, I am very precautious going onto unknown websites. It is hard-to-find privacy now adays, just the other day, I could not access Instagram because they were wanting me to enter my birthday, saying “some countries don’t allow kids to have social media, please enter your birthday,” of course I did not want to but then again, there was no exit, or X button. These companies are gaining money and info on the things they know about you, and sell this information to others, for goodness knows what reason. It is one of my top things that gets me rattled, I do not like how privacy is so hard to come by in these days.

Technology I learned About from EOTO 1

Eoto 1: An invention I learned about:


I liked that my technology I picked was the iPhone and someone did the iPad. The iPhone, to recap, was made on January 9th, of 2007, and ever since then, the way our technology worked would forever change. Everything was based off Apples iPhone, the revolutionary new idea of a touch screen iPhone, which worked like a computer, but ten times smaller. You had the internet, a notepad, texting, camera, games, navigation, calendar, and etc., all one the iPhone. Over time Apple wanted to update/ upgrade their idea, to something a bit bigger, so some people do not have to look at a tiny screen, does everything the iPhone does, but is not as small, introducing the iPad. April 3rd, 2010, the first iPad was launched. Creating a line of other companies to follow, creating the touch screen tablets other companies would hope to duplicate with the success of Apple’s success.

Blog Post #5


Most of the time, smaller news broadcasts or websites, are never heard of, due to many people tuning into the mainstream media and news. Surprising enough people think that the main news channels are the correct and 100% true and honest and the only place to receive news, however, that is very much not the case. Sometimes it surprises me how many people believe that the popular news channels, and they only take news and resources from one outlet. Gives me a headache at times. People have the audacity to argue with someone based JUST on these resources. For example, let’s say I only hear a story from one of my friends, that heard it from someone else, and let's say the event that took place was a fight, but my friend wasn’t there to witness it, so how could I only take their information, when I should be asking someone what happened to someone who was involved. That is kind of the current situation going on there. It kind of makes me “cringe” at the fact people will stand with their opinion so strongly but cannot explain why they defend it. Since many people stick with the idea of what the main media says, when people are preaching antiwar, many people question why they might tune into what someone else says, and the legitimacy of those arguments.

Blog Post #11- Age of A.I.

 Blog Post #11- Age of A.I We all want the best for human evolution, however, when people mention AI, or Artificial Intelligence, people u...